15 June 2020

20:32:55 20.07.2020 Back


In Ukraine, quarantine measures continue in connection with the COVID-19 outbreak. A protocol of action in case of detection of coronavirus symptoms is distributed in the mass media. However, almost no attention is paid to the problem of handling certain categories of waste. Due to the epidemic, wastes such as medical masks, protective gloves, wipes, household items and hygiene products that are in self-isolation or outpatient treatment have the potential to be a source of infection. The amount of such waste is constantly growing.

In practice, there are no conditions for separate collection of such waste: there are no separate containers, no outreach is carried out among the population, and the general problem of the entire waste management system in Ukraine is that there is no infrastructure for hazardous waste disposal. Currently, experts have analyzed in detail the experience of foreign countries in the management of such waste and developed recommendations for local governments, market operators, stakeholders.

Thus, the actualization of the issue of medical waste management, in connection with the outbreak of coronavirus infection COVID-19, once again highlighted the imperfections of the modern waste management system in Ukraine. Despite the existence of relevant legislation on medical waste management, there is no effective system for the collection and treatment of such waste. Among the key points should be noted the need to create a system of separate collection of hazardous waste in the household (not only during quarantine!) And the creation of facilities for the disposal and disposal of such waste. Special attention in this regard needs to be checked by licensees for the availability of appropriate technical base for hazardous waste disposal. And there is a separate issue of active educational work with the population.

The Department

of Natural-Technogenic and Environmental Safety